Tag Archives: registry

Reading the Windows Registry from PowerShell

Reading the Windows registry from PowerShell can be a bit cumbersome, when all you wanted to retrieve is the value of an item under a key, at least with PowerShell version before v5. The Get-ItemProperty can be used to enumerate the items and their values under a registry key, but… Read more »

Useful PowerShell functions and snippets

This post contains a few (short) useful PowerShell functions and snippets, that you can include in projects and/or your profile, and some which showcase some peculiar solutions to problems in PowerShell. This one is for use in your profile, so you can see in Alt-Tab which Powershell console is running… Read more »

Speed up folders with many similar named files

This is a little known reghack: When Windows stores files in a folder on an NTFS partition, it still creates so-called 8.3 file names for compatibility with 16-bit Windows programs. When a folder has more than 4000 file entries, it becomesĀ noticeable that access performance decreases. When the folder has more… Read more »

Windows Explorer search for text in ALL files

windows explorer search

You are sure that the text files in a folder contain a certain string, but the Windows Explorer search doesn’t return anything! WTF? Maybe, the files just have an extension which Windows doesn’t recognize, and are therefore skipped. This is a hack to enable Windows Explorer to search in all… Read more »

Balloon tips OFF in windows

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Want to get rid of those nasty balloon tips, hovering over the task tray? Here’s the registry command: reg add “HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced” /t REG_DWORD /v EnableBalloonTips /d 0 If you’d wish to re-enable them again, this is the code reg add “HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced” /t REG_DWORD /v EnableBalloonTips /d 1

Network share connections using logical DNS name

Situation: You have an application server, but its network name is like abcx0143.domain.intra, which is just too hard to remember for your users. You have created a DNS alias like shares.domain.intra, but when you try to open the shared folders through that alias, it won’t work.. šŸ™ BUT! There is… Read more »