Category: knowledgebases

Mirror an FTP site to Linux

I needed to mirror an FTP site to linux, as preparation for of a migration. After looking for the most easy way to do this, I found ‘lftp’ on the linux side, and used that. sudo lftp -e “set ftp:ssl-allow no; mirror -c -e –parallel=3 employees/ /srv/ftp/employees/” -u jeroen… Read more »

Find text in files and report filenames

The “find” command usually reports too much information, because find “some_text” *.* also reports names of the files that do not contain the text. A useful oneliner to have at hand is to start a cmd.exe window in the right folder, and enter: for %I in (*.*) do @(find /i… Read more »

Replace text in multiple files

I needed to replace text in multiple files on an Ubuntu server. The text was “D:/FTPdownloads”, and would be changed to “srv/ftp” (migrating an FTP server from Windows to Linux). Also this had to be done in 100+ files in a bunch of directories. Quickest way I found to do… Read more »